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Best Interlocking & Landscaping Services in the GTA

How to Remove Snow from Roof Without Roof Rake

Clearing snow off the roof requires a proper method to save the roof’s integrity. If you’re unfamiliar with removing snow, you don’t need to worry anymore. We have discussed the easiest and fastest methods here to answer your query about how to remove snow from your roof without a roof rake. You can use these to apply DIY methods:

  • Steam Machine
  • Heating Cables
  • Plastic Shovel
  • Calcium Chloride

In any case, if none of these materials work for you, the only thing you can do is find roofing professionals. For this purpose, you can connect with Synergy Contracting. We have experts to clear your roof snow without damaging the structure. 

Easy Ways to Remove Snow From Your Roof

Like sideways and driveways, your roof also needs to be cleared of heavy snow. It’s essential for roof durability and mitigating ice dams. However, if you don’t have a roof rake, you can try these easy tips for cleaning snow off your roof efficiently.

1. Use Snow Steamer

To clear the pile of snow from your roof, you can use a steam machine. It can help you to melt snow away from the roof using hot water vapors. Also, many roofing contractors use steamers to prevent ice dams. If you don’t have a steamer, you can seek help from a professional who offers services. For this, you can connect with Synergy Contracting for better roof clearance than DIY. When dealing with winter tasks like clearing snow from driveway without a shovel, professionals can provide efficient and effective solutions.

2. Use Heating Cables

The next way to remove snow from your roof is by using cables. For this, you need to have an energy source to make heat cables work. Attach the cables to the roof before heating so they can melt the surrounding snow. This low-maintenance method can do wonders for you, but it also has some drawbacks. It may raise your energy bills and not seem good to the eye.

3. Use Plastic Shovel

Another DIY solution for roof clearance is to use a plastic shovel to reduce the risk of damage. It can help to remove snow from the roof, especially from the middle area. Also, the plastic material will not harm the surface of the roof. However, there are fewer chances of clearing the roof when it has hard ice dams. 

4. Use Calcium Chloride

Using Calcium Chloride tablets is another effective method to remove snow from your roof. This chemical can dissolve and eat away the snow. Another advantage of this chemical is that it doesn’t stain or destroy your roof like other salts do. However, you should be careful that your pets won’t go in that area because calcium chloride is not suitable for their skin.

5. Get Professional Assistance

We understand that DIY is not for everyone. Clearing snow off the roof seems easy, but it’s actually challenging. Moreover, using harsh substances or irrelevant tools can be harmful to the roof. Therefore, you can find helping hands from reliable roofing service providers. Synergy Contracting stands out as the best choice because we have a team of professionals that remove snow from your roof without roof rake and harming the roof surface. When winter strikes, our snow removal services ensure your roof stays safe and intact.

When should I clear my roof of snow?

Rule of thumb: clear your roof when it has got 6 inches of snow. It’s probably the time to remove the snow to avoid ice dams. 

How do you remove hard snow?

To remove hard snow, get a half gallon of hot water and add 5-6 drops of dish soap and one-fourth a cup of rubbing alcohol. Then, mix everything well and pour the solution into the hard snow. When it affects, the snow begins to bubble up and start melting. After that, you can scrape the leftover snow with a shovel.

How important is it to remove snow from the roof?

Removing snow from the roof is essential to mitigate damaging risks and avoid structure issues. Although the roofs are designed according to weather conditions, but they still need careful maintenance to stay robust in winter. 


While enduring the winter season, it’s important to clear the snow from your roof. Some people wonder how to remove snow from your roof without a roof rake effectively. To help out your venture, we have discussed the five easy ways to clear snow to preserve the longevity and integrity of the roof. You can use heating cables, calcium chloride, a snow steamer, or a plastic shovel to clear snow off the roof. If you don’t want to try any DIY method, you can seek help from roofing experts like Synergy Contracting. We work carefully and consider all safety protocols for secure snow removal.

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